Moments Worth Living

domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010
I would like to start this post by mentioning a few things I can't live without: food, music, people and internet.
It may sound silly, but it's obvious that it's impossible to survive without food. Anyway, that's not why I mentioned it. I LOVE to eat, every time, especially sweets. I get crazy the days I can't eat chocolate.
Music is another thing that amazes me. Sometimes is the melody. Sometimes, the lyrics. It inspires me so much, and also calm me down. The most amazing thing about music is that there's always a song that fits every single moment of you live. It's awesome the tastes, happenings and feelings you can share by the music. You can identify yourself with almost every song you hear.
Of course, nothing of that would be possible without people. Live would have no meaning without people to share it with. People to laugh with, people to cry with. Even though sometimes I may want to send my family and friends to mars (not to say worse...), I can't possibly live without them. They are there at every moment of the story of my life. I honestly live for these moments when you cry of laughter for no reason with you friends, or spend that unforgettable afternoon with your family. I guess what makes these moments funny or amazing is the simple fact of spending them with people you like.
Once again, it may sound stupid to mention internet here, but this is the place where I can communicate with my family who live abroad, or even make new friends. It's also a place where I can find people who has the same tastes as me, or even find news about music. I've made 2 amazing friends here so far, and yes, I've already met (one of) them in person after we started chatting!
Well, there are many other things I can't live without that I would like to talk about here, but the time is short an the end of the school year! I can mention some of them: trips - isn't travelling amazing? -, the sun, TV ( haha)...
And last, but no least, I would like to leave a message for all of you who are reading it: life is made of little moments. They are amazing, so pay attention to them and enjoy it!!!

"Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders,
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away,
But these small hours,
These small hours still remain"
(this is a quote from the song "Little Wonders" above, by Rob Thomas. It talks about little moments worth living of live, and I cry every time I listen to it. I hope you enjoy the video!)

What do you live for ? What moments in you life are really worth living ? What makes you happy ?
So many times in this year, I've been asking to myself this questions above. Sometimes I had no answers... Sometimes I had doubts about this. Some moments I couldn't see a reason for being happy. Some moments I thought I was alone. Own my own. But I wasn't . I never was. Every moment of my life I had my friends by my side. That's why they're the most important thing in my life. And who undoubtedly I spent the best moments and best memories.
A friend is someone you can trust. Someone who will not judge you, who will stay with you in bad and good times, someone who tells you secrets, someone who goes to parties with you, someone who takes care of you, who laughs with you, do wrong things with you ... Someone who understands you apart everyone and everything. With friends you can do ANYTHING . Even when you're sad, they'll make you happy .
A good friend could be from your family or either from another places. The important is what you feel from each other.
Moments worth living... The best moments I've ever spent. The best memories I'll have for my entire life. I can honestly say that every moment I spent with my friends in this years were worth living. Sad, happy, hard, funny moments. Every little thing that we've done together will be forever in my heart.
One moment that was worth being lived was doing this blog. Besides being able to write about things I like, I did it with one of my best friends. Writing together was something very special. I got to know her more than I already knew. It was great.
Well, this is my last post this year. I hope to write more when my exams ends. Anyway, thanks for everything and until my next post ! =)
" I'm so thankful for the moments , so glad I got to know you. The times that we had, I'll keep like a photograph and hold you in my heart forever. I'll always remember you ! " ( By Miley Cyrus)
- Written by Nathália Vieira Moreira

From the List to Your Heart

quarta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2010
The film we would like to review is a documentary called ''Voices From the List''. It's directed by Michael Mayhel and you can find it in the Bonus section from the DVD of the movie ''Schindler's List''.
The documentary is about stories told by people who suffered from prejudice by the "Nazi people" by the time of the World War II. True stories by Jews who survived thanks to one man: Shindler.
The stories actually ''go together'' telling only one: Jews who lived in the ghettos in Krakow that are then sent to concentration camps in Aushwitz and Belzec. Probably most of them would die, but they are lucky to meet Shindler, a man who would help them to survive, sending them to work in his factory in Czechoslovakia.
It's an inspiring movie that talks about overcoming fears and facing challenges in order to probably the most important thing in life: survive. You will certainly learn something about history. Maybe you can also take something for your life.

Let's talk about relationships : Friendship

domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

"Friendship is like vitamin . Makes the lung's inflate, fill the heart . Transforms the faded day in colors. Why does the friend brings this feeling ? It's difficult to explain." ( Excerpt from the site : Bons Fluidos )

How can we define friendship ? If somebody asked us about it , probably we'll don't know how to answer it. Friendship definition goes beyond our comprehension. Is something deep, only found in the bottom of our heart.

We from Not Solo , decided to talk about friendship because in every moment of our lifes, we have friends helping us, teaching us, making us stronger, making us happier and doing so many other things together with us. We know the value that our friends have and will always have. And we wouldn't be nothing without them.

Share moments, emotions, opinions and even peddling. Is scientifically proved that these acts make life easier and with less stress. Surveys conducted by the University of California show that people who have friends deal better with the physical and emotional exhaustion. "In practice, serves as an outlet for times of distress and anxiety at work or at home. People who deprive themselves of theses relationships tend to suffer more from depression and addiction." says Shelley Taylor, teacher in the department of psychology at the University of California and who authored the book : The Tending Instinct : Women, Men and the Biology of Relationships.

Another study done at the University, pointed out an interesting fact: women, probably because they look more to each other in time of crisis, can cope better with stress than men (who tend to isolate themselves). Speaking of pain, helps to narrow it !

Far from the stereotype of the perfect relationship, the friendship suffers your stumbles and icludes fights and discussions that teach us about ourselves and tolerance limits. First at all because in friendships, you can show who you really are, wich can not please everyone. And second, because the 'bosom friend' can speak the other things that he doesn't want to hear. This balance between affinity and discord open space to the other expose their weaknesses and respect the right to protect secrets.

Friendship is not only about good times. Sometimes friendship could be hard. But it's not bad. Going trought difficult moments strenghtens us and creat strong alliances that we'll take for the rest of our lives.
Well , this is something about friendship. We hope you all have enjoyed it and realize how important is friendship !
" The fellowship provides protection. Friends turn to resize the fears and loneliness. And of course, multiply the wins. "

P.s : We'll like to honor and dedicate this post to our bests friends (You know who you are!) because we would be nothing without them . Love you all (L)

Change for the Children

terça-feira, 29 de junho de 2010

Change For the Children is a foundation created to support programs that motivate and inspire children to face adversity with confidence, determination and a will to succeed. The foundation, which was started by the Jonas Brothers, thinks that the best people to help children is other children: kids can help other kids who are less fortunate. How to do that? Well, the foundation has a partnership with the organization Do Something, which offers different kinds of volunteer work, so that you can help in many ways.
The programes supported by the foundation includes:
  • Finding a cure for Diabetes and supporting people with this disease, helping to raise awareness, support and research. (Diabetes awareness)
  • Inclusion of people with intelectual disabilities, helping them to develop self-confidence, social skills and a sense of personal accomplishment. (The Special Olympics)
  • Volunteerism - the importance of getting involved and making the difference. (Volunteerism)
You can go to the sites above and see how to get involved. You can also see stories of change, and know more about the programs helped by the foundation.



quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010
1. Just Jared
This is the perfect site if you're interested in... Celebrities!
You can find real time information about what your favorite celebrities are doing, where they have been, what events they were in, pictures and videos about their concerts or upcoming movies or even about their vacations! The site also contains a special link for Teen Celebrities, in case you'd rather know more about them!

4 Shared
Here you can download files of all kind: songs, desktop stuff, photos, videos, and even books!
In this site you can see news and curiosities from all over the world. Scientific facts in an interesting way! Perfect if you want to know what's happening to your home Earth.
Do you like games? So let's play! Games for all the tastes, and from all over the world!
If you like to read, so this is the perfect place for you! Stories from different writers, genres, and sizes! And of course, all in English.

Here you can find information about the weather in you city, or the side of the world. You can also find news about what happened because of the weather changing. Very useful you are planning a trip or going on a vacation!

This is a website where you should go if you're planning a trip or want to go on vacation. Here you can find everything related to your next trip: hotels, flights, cars, or even cruises! One, two or three destinations, with your family or by yourself, you cand find a good price!

Tips about fashion? So you are in the right place. What to wear or not to wear, what's in or out, the best colors and acessories... You find it all here!

Here you can buy books, cds, movies, clothes, computer stuffs, games... whatever comes to you mind! And they deliver it all at your home, no matter where do you live!

10. ESPN
Finally, if you like sports, this is the perfect place for you. All about the last game, or the one that's happening right now!

What does the music do?

terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2010
It can't be difficult to believe that a melody has a use when you hear your tuneless neighbour. But believe me : new theories claim that music changed the pace of human evolution.

Before you reading this try to remember how many times did you hear a song in this week. Not only on the radio or in the waiting room from your doctor. It' very likely that you had one of this recent days without hearing some music. Music is arround us. There's no way to live without hearing a melody. There's music to dance, date, study... Music to face the traffic, work, go to the gym and to relax at the end of the day. Music to pray, heal and store. To communicate the emotions that we can't transmit only by means of words. And music simply to listen and enjoy.

In the society today , if we're sourrounded by music with both hard, it's assumed that, as well as the speech, it will serve to something, has some specific function for humanity. But what ?

Today, good part of scientific research by explanations have an evolutionary and biologic perspective. But many still see only as a cultural product returned to the pleasure, without any importance to human development.

But we think that music makes a huge difference in our lives. The music give us inspiration and make us so much happier. We think that we couldn't live without songs. We believe that music make easier the communication with the people and stimulates our minds.

For sure music make life so much better :)