What does the music do?

terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2010
It can't be difficult to believe that a melody has a use when you hear your tuneless neighbour. But believe me : new theories claim that music changed the pace of human evolution.

Before you reading this try to remember how many times did you hear a song in this week. Not only on the radio or in the waiting room from your doctor. It' very likely that you had one of this recent days without hearing some music. Music is arround us. There's no way to live without hearing a melody. There's music to dance, date, study... Music to face the traffic, work, go to the gym and to relax at the end of the day. Music to pray, heal and store. To communicate the emotions that we can't transmit only by means of words. And music simply to listen and enjoy.

In the society today , if we're sourrounded by music with both hard, it's assumed that, as well as the speech, it will serve to something, has some specific function for humanity. But what ?

Today, good part of scientific research by explanations have an evolutionary and biologic perspective. But many still see only as a cultural product returned to the pleasure, without any importance to human development.

But we think that music makes a huge difference in our lives. The music give us inspiration and make us so much happier. We think that we couldn't live without songs. We believe that music make easier the communication with the people and stimulates our minds.

For sure music make life so much better :)

Hi there. We are Nicole and Nathália, two girls aged 15 who are just trying to live and have fun. We are doing this blog for an English work at our school, Colégio Santo Antônio. We've been studying there for about 9 years, and we spend most of our time there. We love our school, but sometimes we have a lot of hard work.
Anyway, we love near each other, and love to hang out, go to the mall, to the cinema... But what we love the most is to ride a bike togheter! We try to do it always we can. What we also like to do is to listen to music. Our favorite singers are Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Jonas Brothers, John Mayer, Ke$ha, 3OH!3, between others. We also like to watch TV, and our favorite serie is Grey's Anatomy! We also lije to watch Private Practice, Desperate Housewives, Hannah Montana, JONAS, etc.
Well, we chosed this name for our blog, 'Not Solo', inspired by the name of a song by Demi Lovato, 'Solo'. But, as you can see, we are not alone here, so we decided to call our blog 'Not Solo'. We hope you like and enjoy it!
Nicole & Nathália